At least they didn't steal the goats-milk cheese mentioned in the Wiki link!

And, since the Basques are behind Roncevalles, speaking of parking lots, why don't we have a legend of a Holy Hand Grenade of Bilbao in a parking lot or something?

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You reminded me of the entire year we spent in French Literature class, in middle school, on La Chanson de Roland. I don't think I've ever been so bored in my life, although dissecting Racine's Phedre a few years later came close. Funny about Rocamadour, I thought Roland died in the Pyrenees ...

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Yeah, he died in the Pyrenees. Rocamadour has a few different jokey explanations for how it got there, like saying Roland threw it with his dying breath, or a later king donated it.

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Jul 12Liked by Adam's Notes

Haha I’ve had the first stanza of la chanson trapped in my head IN OLD FRENCH for decades, and I didn’t enjoy it to begin with either. Stupid il faut memorizer par cœur!

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It looks like we went through the same curriculum :) - I think the teachers had a talent for picking the stuff that would drive us all nuts!

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